Meaning of Hector

Meaning of Hector

In this text we are going to talk about a name that is related to maturity. If all men were like Hector, then we wouldn't have to face all the problems we have today. His personality is amazing. If you want to know more about the meaning of Hector, we invite you to continue reading.

What is the meaning of Hector's name?

Héctor literally means "The possessive man". This means that he is a materialistic person, but that he knows how to find the balance between his ambition and love.

In relation to Héctor's personality, we are talking about a man who matures much earlier than others. For example, when it comes to conquering other people, he not only looks at the physical, but also looks for a special mentality, something that really attracts him. He needs a mature girl, someone who really thinks about her actions and who really cares about the world. As this is not common in young people, it is more common to look for a more mature partner. He is confident in himself and does the impossible to be with his better half.

Meaning of Hector

In relation to labor matters, Hector he is a very smart person, like Juan Carlos Coin purse. He performs well in certain disciplines such as philosophy and active thinking, although it is quite difficult for him to assimilate raditional thinking. He also has a hard time thinking about the advancement of society in relation to science. He is very fond of the environment, and often belongs to organizations that help protect it.

He is very fond of extreme emotions: he knows when to speak out for his rights, when the time has come to do new activities to stimulate the mind and when to work. Sometimes he becomes very obsessed with his work, and this can give him some problems on a sentimental level.

What is the origin / etymology of Héctor?

The origin of Hector's name has its roots in Greek. As we have discussed, it can be translated as "Possessive, possess." Analyzing the first references in history, one of the first appearances of this name refers us to Troy, to a man named Héctor. And it would be Achilles who would kill him.

His saint is July 20,  Saint Hector. Although it is also October 9

There is no diminutive of San Héctor and it does not have a masculine form either.

 Héctor in other languages

  • Both in the English language, as in Spanish or French, the name is Hector.
  • In German it is Hektor.
  • In Italian, the name is written hector.

Famous by the name of Hector

  • Hector Barberá is a famous motorcycle racer.
  • Héctor Bellerín is a renowned Spanish footballer who has played for Arsenal.
  • Hector Noguera he is a famous actor.
  • Hector Arredondo, is another actor that you may have seen in soap operas.

If this text about the meaning of Hector It has helped you to clarify the doubts you had, below you can also discover many others names beginning with H and further expand your knowledge.

? reference bibliography

The information on the meaning of all the names analyzed on this website has been prepared based on the knowledge acquired by reading and studying a reference bibliography of such prominent authors as Bertrand Russell, Antenor Nascenteso or the Spanish Elio Antonio de Nebrija.

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