If you have come this far, it is because you feel a certain curiosity about the Greek language when it comes to naming your son or daughter and learning something about these names or getting new ideas catches your attention. Many parents hesitate a lot before naming their child and both moms and dads often take a lot of thought before making this important decision.
In recent times the fact of choosing names in the language has been taken a lot Greek. It is very important to choose the right name for our baby, that is why many parents decide to choose the name once they have seen their son or daughter's face to correctly associate it with their appearance.
Next in this article you will see the best Greek names for women and men, some more modern and some older, but especially each one of them precious. If you like my suggestions, you can always add a touch of creativity so that you and your partner can choose the best name for your baby.
Why should I choose an original Greek name for the baby, girl or boy?
Mainly, it would be vitally important that you know a large part of names for girl and boy that we can all know in Spanish and that come from the grigo. His Empire made a great influence, in the same way that Latin or Hebrew did over Spanish. If we approach this language directly, we will notice that we will see names that are very similar to Spanish, and many others are so original that they will surprise you.
On the other hand, I have always been that I am more in favor of choose a different name for the baby (girl or boy) and that it can give you a totally unique personality from the first minute. I mean, starting life with a name that stands out from the rest of the names already used will make the child grow up standing out from the rest.
La greek language, whose history will always be marked by the mythology of the gods, comes from the excellent family of Indo-European languages. In these moments you will only find it in Greece, however, in ancient times until the Romans arrived it dominated a large part of Europe.
Greek names for men
To start, I leave you a great list with many ideas to choose a Greek name for man if the baby you are going to have is a boy.
From A to J
- Georgios
- Eyes
- Giorgio
- Calixto
- Andreas
- Jason
- Philip
- Dionysus
- Joseph
- gavril
- argyris
- Hagios
- Elias
- gregories
- Ajax
- efstatios
- Fotis
- Photos
- aristotelis
- Gerasimos
- Delphi
- Emily
- charalampos
- calgero
- Dorotheos
- Alpha
- Andru
- Akakios
- daymon
- Evangelos
- Giorgos
- Eros
- Dyonysios
- Aidos
- alexio
- Adhered
- anargyros
- Ioannis
- Filippos
- Alec
- Adapa
- Alexis
- Agapians
- acheron
- Chrysanthus
- Alexandros
- Angelos
- eudor
- Aniketos
- Cyril
- joannes
- Tie
- Astro
- Gus
- Dorotheus
- estevao
- Dimitrios
- Claus
- Demetrios
- Ambrose
- Athanasios
- Anastasius
- camillus
- Abderus
- Ambroggio
- Achilles
- Apostolos
- Hades
- Dray
- Damosthenis
From K to Z
- Pavlos
- Mikhail
- Pieter
- Spyro
- Zeno
- Konstantinos
- Marinos
- Nikolas
- Zinon
- pierro
- Serapheim
- Kristo
- Petar
- Panagiotakis
- Margarito
- Clark
- Theodoros
- Nicolae
- Thanasis
- Omega
- mihalis
- Thanos
- Cyrus
- Pegasus
- Yorgos
- Vlasis
- Philip's
- Proteus
- Spyridon
- Vassilis
- Sokratis
- Spiros
- However
- Tryphon
- Melesian
- Maur
- Leonidas
- Midas
- Nestor
- nikoremos
- yianni
- Matthias
- Nicoderm
- Kyriacs
- Takis
- Minos
- Vangelis
- Plato
- Lavrentians
- Panagiotis
- stahits
- Nicholas
- Lysander
- stamatios
- laertes
- Neophytos
- sotirios
- Plutus
- Stefanos
- Thomas
- Orion
- Lefteris
- Panos
- Tassos
- Petros
- Vasilios
- Christian
- Otis
- Macaries
- Kyriakos
- lennan
- Markos
- Leandros
- Michail
- Marios
Greek names for women
If instead what you are going to have is a girl, I leave you below a list with a large number of examples of Greek female names.
From A to J
- acnes
- chrysanthemum
- Athanasia
- Irya
- Chara
- Ephimia
- Agathe
- denae
- Georgia
- Elene
- Clea
- amaranda
- Agna
- Corinna
- Eos
- Amalthea
- Elianne
- Harmony
- Eula
- haldis
- elefteria
- Dora
- inesa
- Glykeria
- cailey
- airla
- Carissa
- Anna
- Basel
- Erma
- celand
- Elizabeth
- Alexandra
- abdera
- Candra
- Ivy
- elani
- Justina
- Delia
- Elise
- Argie
- irian
- Alexandrite
- Irena
- Agnek
- clymene
- Alisha
- Demi
- Halina
- Elephtheria
- angeliki
- Diana
- Diamantina
- Aidoios
- Elearia
- Jola
- hyades
- aminta
- Doralia
- Desma
- Gredel
- Charon
- Carlyn
- Astra
- anatola
- Agape
- To her
- wanted
- Alannis
- Acantha
- joanna
- dorienne
- eftychia
- Febe
- anthia
- agafia
- efthalia
- Despina
- Alethea
- Anastasia
- Helle
- Agave
- ismene
- Jacinda
- Evgenia
- cahlia
- Aether
- isaure
- Calantha
- Filippa
From K to Z
- Leda
- Triana
- Selina
- Marika
- malissa
- Lalita
- Lenore
- Martha
- melora
- korinna
- kyveli
- zinovia
- Thera
- Melanthe
- Sophia
- nicoleta
- Stacie
- wheel
- Katerina
- koralia
- leitha
- Natasa
- Petra
- As if
- carlyn
- Korina
- xene
- Marianna
- Thalia
- Phaedra
- Meggy
- louiza
- Chain
- Kynthia
- paraskeve
- Nyla
- Larissa
- kriska
- Panthea
- Cleopatra
- Katharine
- kolette
- lais
- Kassandra
- Sophy
- Rhea
- pelagia
- Nemesis
- sotiria
- sybella
- Thecla
- Olympia
- panagiota
- Thaisa
- Selene
- Ligia
- Falkland
- Odelle
- Luigina
- Nefeli
- Cook
- Venus
- stephenie
- neola
- Paraskevi
- Varvara
- Luxury
- Phila
- Sludge
- Theodora
- Nike
- Constantine
- Tasia
- Sibylla
- Marlas
- oleisia
- Marjorie
- Tasoula
The best names of Greek Goddesses and Gods
Something that characterized Greek culture a lot was, of course, and without a doubt mythology. They had a God for practically almost everything: Crafts, love, the sun, the seas, etc. Here below you have a great compilation of the names of greek goddesses and gods that you will love. Travel to Olympus!
- Venus
- Afrodita
- Ares
- aigidios
- Alathea
- Theos
- apollinaris
- Mars
- alala
- Cytheria
- Enyo
- alpheus
- Poseidon
- achelous
- Nox
- Hygeia
- add
- Zinaida
- Green
- Serve it
- Aniol
- anusia
- Goddess
- Juno
- Ceres
- artemas
- Kairos
- auzrial
- Hypnos
- Aesculapius
- palaemon
- Alethia
- Zeus
- gaea
- croce
- Demeter
- Tamesis
- Asclepius
- ilithya
- alayla
- Hephaestus
- Chloris
- Apollo
- Atlanta
- Class
- Thecla
Have you already chosen a name in this language?
As always, I am a supporter of cultural variety on this blog. If you have already chosen the name for your baby or if you haven't, I also recommend that you go through the rest of the articles to find out the roots of other names in other languages. I am sure that you will love them and they will surprise you, since in many cases there are names that are really closely related.
- Italian boy and girl names
- Arabic names for women and men
- Ancient Egyptian names
- All Hebrew names
- List of Chinese names
If you liked this article about greek names, I advise you to go through this section to continue reading on the subject of names other languages.