Meaning of Elena

Meaning of Elena

Elena is a woman's name that is characterized by its great creativity. He is always innovating, he likes to do new things and he gives everything for others. She will never be bored: she will always seek new ways to achieve her goals. If you want to know more about the meaning of Elena, we invite you to continue reading.

What is the meaning of the name Elena?

Elena literally means "Woman who shines next to the sun". Its flash is so bright that it will dazzle anyone you come across. He is the person that any man would want to meet.

La Elena's personality it is characterized by its desire to live, by the search for new paths. She is creative, talented, and able to combat obstacles in her way to achieve success with relative ease.

Meaning of Elena

At work, Elena usually prefers to dedicate herself to sectors that are constantly developing, such as acting or dancing. He likes to get to occupy positions of importance, that handle responsibilities, since it is the only way to get his mind to stay stimulated. He knows the importance of having a good team by his side, one with whom he shares merits and failure. He knows how to properly stimulate his team and let them grow at his own pace.

El Elena's name it is also related to maturity; both when it comes to loving, and to solve their problems. This woman is dedicated to her work, she continues to undertake to have emotional support and support. In the event that you do not find these characteristics in your partner, it is most likely that you will look for another.

At the family level, Elena will also be the woman who takes care of everything. It will solve the problems that their parents may have when they arrive at school or institute, and will advise them on the path to take. However, you are not always able to recognize your mistakes, and this can lead to important arguments.

What is the Origin or etymology of Elena / Helena)

This feminine given name has its roots in Greek. Its etymology comes directly from the term Helena, associated with the terms "Sun", "Bright" or "With shining". It has a great popularity that spread thanks to the mythical character of Helen of Troy.

His saint is August 18. In relation to their diminutives, we have 3 important ones: Elen, Elenita or Lena.

Now there is no male variety of this name

Elena in other languages

Unlike what happens with other names, Elena does have some variations.

  • The name is Helen in english, or also Ellen.
  • In German it is written Helena.
  • In Spanish it is written Helena o Elena.
  • In French the name is Helen.
  • In Russian and Italian, the name would be written Elena.

Famous people by the name of Elena

  • The well-known actress Elena Furiase which became known with El Internado.
  • We also have the Infanta Helen of Bourbon.
  • Another member who belongs to royalty, Elena Pavlona.
  • And still more privileged, the Empress Helena Lecapena.

If this article in which the meaning of Elena You found it important, take a look at this link: names with letter E.


? reference bibliography

The information on the meaning of all the names analyzed on this website has been prepared based on the knowledge acquired by reading and studying a reference bibliography of such prominent authors as Bertrand Russell, Antenor Nascenteso or the Spanish Elio Antonio de Nebrija.

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  1. I really liked the article about my name, thank you.


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