Meaning of Sebastian

Meaning of Sebastian

In the following article we are going to present you a name that, although it has a clear meaning, its personality is not easy to understand, it can even be somewhat uncomfortable on certain occasions. Without further ado, discover the  meaning of the name Sebastián.

What is the meaning of Sebastian's name?

Based on the origin, this name acquires will have different meanings, but the most accepted is "Honor".

Origin or etymology of Sebastián.

El Sebastian origin It has Greek roots. It is not well known which term it comes from, there are some theories that may be one of the following: σεβαστεύω or σεβάζω, which can be translated as "honor", or perhaps σεβαστιάς, which means "Augustus." There are other theories as well, but the above are the most likely.

 Sebastián in other languages

There are many variations of the name, these being the most accepted.

  • In English and German they are written as in Spanish, but ignoring the accent. Sebastian.
  • In French, the name is Sébastien.
  • In Italy the name will change to Sebastiano.
  • In Russian, it is written Sebastian.

Known people by the name of Sebastian

There are many people known by this name, such as the following.

  • One of the popular Moto GP riders, Sebastian Vettel.
  • A place you must visit: San Sebastián.
  • Sebastian Prieto a popular tennis player who has reached glory
  • A historical figure, Sebastian I, King in Portugal.

How is Sebastián?

La Sebastian's personality it relies on being bold. However, this does not always have to be a good thing, and it is that sometimes you do not know what you are going to do. You do not always act with logic, and this can cause you some problems in different areas of your life.

This man likes to attract attention. Sebastián He is a curious person, who does not stop investigating what he proposes, what has caught his attention. This means that it can be dedicated to many areas of research, for example, scientific branches. In the event that he proposes to investigate something, but something even more interesting appears, he will try to do everything at the same time.

In terms of love, Sebastián is an unpredictable man who likes to keep up with his relationships. In the event that you are in a stage of jealousy, it can become a bit heavy, and this creates an unpleasant feeling that causes everything to be destroyed. If you manage to overcome this stage, you will be very happy with your partner.

Finally, in the family sphere, he does not usually appreciate it in the way it deserves. Your children will miss you very much, and it is that you will always be working, or with a distracted mind. Due to his personality, he can become quite a lonely person. He likes to go out to meditate, but he does it if the members of the family nucleus.

We hope that this information about the meaning of the name Sebastián has been of your interest. Next, we also recommend that you know these names beginning with S, since surely you learn much more than you think.

? reference bibliography

The information on the meaning of all the names analyzed on this website has been prepared based on the knowledge acquired by reading and studying a reference bibliography of such prominent authors as Bertrand Russell, Antenor Nascenteso or the Spanish Elio Antonio de Nebrija.

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