Meaning of Patricia

Meaning of Patricia

It is not every day that such an especially beautiful name is discovered, and it is that Patricia, in addition to being very feminine, has extraordinary qualities, the women who possess this great name have strong personalities, hardworking and very persevering, do not stop there, keep reading to discover more about the meaning of Patricia.

What can we learn about Patricia's name?

Meeting a person by the name of Patricia is always lucky and good company, since they are of cheerful seriousness, a characteristic that gives them a smile on their faces and a temperance for problems that undoubtedly make them stand out, such as their own meaning indicates Patricia is "Nobility in a woman" so we will always be before a person with a great heart and sincere feelings.

In the workplace, Patricia can forget about relationships if she has a job in hand that completes it, that is why sometimes we can find stupendous patricians who are out of any romantic relationship, are tough competitors and can develop multiple activities in different areas to feel complete.

Meaning of Patricia

In the sentimental field, Patricia is quite severe with her feelingsIt is difficult for her to remain attentive to details and it depends a lot on the other person being constant and knowing how to cope with these types of situations, if she is embarked on a business adventure it is more than possible that she will not get the relationship to prosper since her lack of attention will force the other person to leave, on the contrary if the other person is fighter and entrepreneur It is more than likely that the relationship will be a success since these types of people undoubtedly attract them, this is because both dedicate their space to work and do not feel pressured or harassed.

How far back do we go to meet Patricia?

The origin of this feminine name is in Latin. Its exact meaning is "The nobility present in a woman." The etymology resides in two terms: "Patricius" and "Patrici". These come from another word, "Pater", which means "Father."

In ancient Rome, this was the name given to the privileged class, to which only those people of the "pure race" descendants of Romans could belong. It is not known when it was established as a proper name, some believe it was prior to the Middle Ages.

At present, we know a male variant, Patrick, and various diminutives like Patri, Paty or Patty.

Can we find Patricia in other languages?

The truth is that this name does not exist in any other language since there are no known Patricia variables so far, so, in Spanish, English, German, French, Catalan ... we will write it exactly the same.

What famous people can we meet with the name of Patricia?

Currently there are several women who have reached stardom with this fabulous name, let's see some:

  • A famous and well-known television presenter, especially in the after-hours with Se what you did is the dear Patricia Count
  • Great actress and very recognized in Spanish cinema for her unparalleled films is Patricia Arquette
  • Patricia Ramirez is a great and renowned psychologist.

If you found this article about the meaning of Patricia, do not think about it anymore: then visit the rest of names beginning with P.

? reference bibliography

The information on the meaning of all the names analyzed on this website has been prepared based on the knowledge acquired by reading and studying a reference bibliography of such prominent authors as Bertrand Russell, Antenor Nascenteso or the Spanish Elio Antonio de Nebrija.

2 comments on «Meaning of Patricia»

  1. It is incredible how you can learn something, which I already had in mind because sometimes we do not understand why the names are just saying that everything has a name and is classified.


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