Meaning of Manuel

Meaning of Manuel

If you were born in the 80s you probably remember the vast majority of Manuel that we found ourselves in school, university or even at work today, this is due to the immense boom that this name originated at that time, and it is that, although it is not as attractive a name as its description, it was a name which was very successful thanks to its religious origin.

What can Manuel's name tell us?

Often we will realize that we have a friend, acquaintance or even a relative with that name and that in many cases it is a person on whom we can rely completely altruistically to tell him about our problems or to vent. man who is with God "so his personality is always pure, he knows how to listen and take care of people.

With Manuel close by, we will realize that he is a person who fits anywhere, who likes everyone and who always takes care of all our problems, no matter how hard they are, he is there to offer us his unconditional support.

If we are lucky enough to have Manuel in our work environment, we will realize that everything we undertake comes out much more easily, and that working with him is having joy in the team, ease of work and a very competitive spirit.

Solitary but detailed, these are the most outstanding qualities of Manuel in the sentimental field, since he is a lone wolf, he likes to enjoy the company of his family and friends, but has a hard time committing to any relationshipFor this reason, their relationships are not usually long-lasting. If you are willing to never argue, it is possible that you will reach the heart of any Manuel and conquer him forever.

It is very difficult to find Manuel involved in an argument, so if you are a calm and calm person, it will not take long to formalize the relationship and start a family, in addition, your commitment to education makes your children are studious and respectful.

Origin or etymology of Manuel

This peculiar name and contrary to what many people believe has its origin in Hebrew since it comes from Emmanu-el (עִמָּנוּאֵל), it is believed that this name makes one of its first appearances in the bible since the same Jesus mentions Emmanuel on more than one occasion.

His greatest moment of glory was thanks to Catholicism, since many men they changed religion and when they were baptized they selected this fabulous name as a Christian name, this tradition has been preserved in a fabulous way to this day, finding many people with this name.

Its feminine variant is Manuela and it is very common to find this name among women, if we look for affectionate or diminutive names, we will find Manu, Manel or Manolo.

Can we meet Manuel written in other languages?

The passage of the years has treated this name quite well despite coming from Latin, I will tell you about them below.

  • Manel It is well known in Valenciano.
  • Emmanuel as its original name we can find it in French in English and in Hebrew.
  • If we travel to Italy it is more common to meet Emanuele.
  • Very similar to its original name but with one 'n' less we will find the name in Germany Emanuel.

What famous people do we meet with the name of Manuel?

  • Great presenter and best person Manel Fuentes
  • Manuel de Falla He is undoubtedly one of the best composers when it comes to music.
  • Although it is hard to imagine, the famous bullfighter el Cordobés is actually called Manuel Diaz.
  • Operation Triumph has given us great singers, one of them is Manu Tenorio

If you've been wanting to know more names that start like Manuel, don't forget to visit the section on lyrics M.

? reference bibliography

The information on the meaning of all the names analyzed on this website has been prepared based on the knowledge acquired by reading and studying a reference bibliography of such prominent authors as Bertrand Russell, Antenor Nascenteso or the Spanish Elio Antonio de Nebrija.

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