Meaning of Gabriela

Meaning of Gabriela

There are some names that, although you already know, are not very common in our day to day. It is possible that we find them in some variants, perhaps by society, perhaps by culture, or by the trends of that moment. In this article we are going to delve into the meaning of Gabriela's name.

What is the meaning of Gabriela's name?

Gabriela can be translated as »Divine Power» or "Superior Force of God", hence he is a man who has strong religious connotations

La Gabriela's personality it is related to her way of life: she is a woman who follows her traditions and conventions to the end. She is traditional, conservative, and likes to insure long-time-to-get assets. He does not like to take risks throughout his life, nor to carry out experiences that could cause him any type of perjury. I have a hard time changing and making important decisions in your life. When he finally takes them, he is usually right, thus benefiting the beings around him.

This woman is somewhat complicated in love affairs. She is jealous and avoid by all means that her partner can approach other men as well as women. In this case, it is somewhat insecure. For this reason, their relationships are usually not very long-lasting. You will only find your other half if the other person understands you and can calm your anxiety.

At the work level, Gabriela is a woman who works in conventional sectors, without innovating excessively. However, it has the capacity for everything that is proposed. He likes to work in a team and is capable of directing it with ease.

One of his main hobbies is nature. I like to get lost in the forest where I can enjoy the sounds it offers: the wind, the water, the animals ...

What is the Origin / etymology of Gabriela's name?

It is quite common to think that the name of Gabriela is Latino, but has a Hebrew origin. It comes as a variation of the masculine name Gabriel, associated with the archangel Gabriel. The Bible constantly appears; There are many men and women who are called that, hence it is a name with an extensive religious tradition.

Gabriela in other languages

There are not many variations on Gabriela's name, only the following:

  • In German, it will be written in the same way as in Spanish: Gabriela.
  • In French it will be written Gabrielle.
  • In Italy or an Anglo-Saxon country you will find the name like Gabriella.

These are the most common diminutives: Gaby or Gabri.

Famous known by the name of Gabriela

  • Renowned writer and poet Gabriela Mistral.
  • An actress and model who has succeeded: Gabriela Vergara.
  • Another woman from the world of interpretation Gabriela Roel.
  • A famous tennis player, although she did not achieve much: Gabriela Sabatini.

In this article we have analyzed everything related to the meaning of Gabriela: both the origin, the history, as the etymology and other curiosities. In the following links you can read other meanings, or stop by the section of names beginning with G.

? reference bibliography

The information on the meaning of all the names analyzed on this website has been prepared based on the knowledge acquired by reading and studying a reference bibliography of such prominent authors as Bertrand Russell, Antenor Nascenteso or the Spanish Elio Antonio de Nebrija.

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