Meaning of David

Meaning of David

David is a very popular name in Spain, incurred in the most used lists. It is simple, but it has a natural beauty that is not easy to achieve. In addition, it has a rich history behind it. Read on to find out all about him meaning of the name David.

What is the meaning of David's name?

The meaning of this name is very revealing as it is «The person chosen by the Lord«. As you can see, it has religious overtones.

What is the origin or etymology of David's name?

The origin and etymology of David has roots in Hebrew, language in which it was written: דָּוִד. We find one of his first references in the Bible: the king of Israel had this name (son of Jesse). The life of the king was so important that being dated throughout different stages: youth, dedication to his hometown, the subsequent flight and later his son would have its own history. He is described as a true hero of the city.

David in other languages

  • In English, French and German it is written in the same way as in Spanish, although the pronunciation varies
  • In Italian you will come across the name of Davide.
  • In Russia a somewhat complicated form is written: David.

Famous people by the name of David

There are many people who have become famous with this peculiar name and that we highlight below:

  • David Copperfield He is a magician who has surely left you speechless on more than one occasion.
  • A footballer and model who has excelled in these two areas: David Beckham.
  • The well-known singers who came out of "Operación Triunfo": David Bisbal y David Bustamante.
  • David a character from the Netflix series Travelers.

How is David?

La david's personality it is related to the clarity to see things: he does not "mince words" to say what he thinks about others. He likes that there is an order as to what exists and trying the new things that he finds. He is passionate about new challenges, new cultures and trying new foods. David is a person who matures before others, or what we can trust in him if we have a delicate problem.

In the Laboral scene, their jobs are often service-related, although it is also a good commercial. You want to know the way people act, imitating them very well, so you can become one of the best salespeople. He is passionate about magic and although he knows that it is a very competitive sector, he does everything possible to be number one. When presented with a challenge, he goes out of his way to meet it.

In your romantic relationships, the name david it is related to loyalty and truth: sometimes you are too sincere, and this can cause you more than one problem. Speaking your mind can lead to very important discussions. In any case, you love your partner and the friends that are closest to you.

He likes to start a family and feel safe when he is with her, especially with the affection that his children show him day in and day out. It teaches them not to lie and to always take the truth before everything. In the event that they have a problem, it helps them solve them face-to-face.

Now you know everything about him meaning of the name David, on its origin and etymology. Below, we also provide you with a link where you can see other names that start with D.

St david

When is the Saint of David?

The Holy of David, king as well as prophet is December 29. But it is true that throughout the year there are also other dates to commemorate this beautiful name. Sometimes it happens that a saint has several days on the calendar. Hence, it is no longer necessary to remember them, although as we have mentioned, December will be the most common month for a celebration like this:

  • February 1: Saint David confessor
  • March 1: Saint David the Bishop
  • April 12: Saint David the martyr
  • On June 26, Saint David the hermit

The life of King David marked by wars and love

It is the Bible who says that He was chosen by God to be able to reign in Israel. He was the youngest of 8 children and has been described as a handsome, blond and very fair young man. At first he was in charge of the harp, so he was in the service of King Saul. Although as a younger brother, David also had to attend to the tasks of pastor that were always relegated to the youngest.

Perhaps for this reason and his concern for animals, in addition to his bravery, they made will face the famous Goliath. It was he himself who proposed it to the king. He met the giant and threw a stone at him that reached the central part of his forehead and left the giant for dead. Thus, he got great recognition from everyone.

He fell in love with King Saul's daughter and this caused the king's jealousy to break the friendship between the two men. So David had to flee the place. He continued on his way until he found Jebus, conquering her. In time it would be known as the City of David and later, Jerusalem. A path that he followed when he was conquering territories such as Syria or present-day Jordan.

history of King David, Saint David

He soon fell in love with a young woman named Bathsheba. She was married to a soldier, but this did not prevent the love between them. The young woman became pregnant and so that the scandal would not be discovered, David tried to convince her husband to return as soon as possible from the battle, to make believe that the child Bathsheba was expecting was her husband's and not her lover's. It was necessary to think of another plan and this was done, since the soldier died in combat and David took the opportunity to marry her.

Of course, due to all this, the punishment was yet to come. When her son was born, he only lived for seven days. Little by little, the image of the king would deteriorate until it reached its final part. It must be said that David had more children and that died to the 70 years, being buried in Jerusalem.

? reference bibliography

The information on the meaning of all the names analyzed on this website has been prepared based on the knowledge acquired by reading and studying a reference bibliography of such prominent authors as Bertrand Russell, Antenor Nascenteso or the Spanish Elio Antonio de Nebrija.

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